Available Sheet Music

A Mother's Christmas Lullaby

A touching Christmas Carol for solo voice and piano that celebrates the endless love that  three special mothers have for their sons - the little shepherd boy, the little drummer boy, and the newborn Savior.

Carol of the Lights

"Carol of the Lights" - an original carol by Emmy-award-winning and Grammy-nominated composer/performer Kurt Bestor - this song uses the metaphor of lights to highlight a city bedecked in holiday lights and the lights illuminating the Christmas Tree, to the original star light shining upon the Newborn King.

Carol for a Yuletide Eve

An uptempo caroling song that depicts the traditions of an "Olde Englishe Yule" - from hidden coins in Christmas pudding, boar's head bedecked in bays and rosemary, and the blushing maiden beneath the mistletoe. It's a song that you transport you and the audience back to "Christmas's Past."

Bell Carol

An original carol that celebrates the joyous sound of Christmas Bells and the message of holiday joy they ring.

Comes a Christmas Morn

This original carol, though composed in 2006, sounds more like it was written in the early Renaissance. With lyrics that retell the Christmas story of shepherds, Wise Men, and the little Christ child, the infectious melody is sure to become a favorite holiday carol.

Coming Home

An intensely personal Christmas carol written by Kurt Bestor during a particularly lonely holiday for him. With a slightly singer-writer Americana style, the song traces a solitary sojourner as he arrives home and wonders it there is a gift for him.

On Angel Wing

An uptempo and joyous carol, this song captures the exhilaration as multitudes of angels are encouraged to flood all corners the earth, singing aloud His Christmas message of "peace on earth, good will to me!"

He Who Crafted the Earth

This original carol has a mystical sound that hearkens to a Renaissance style. With lyrics and melody that are mystically beautiful, it's a good piece to transport the listener back to that first Christmas morning.

Savior, Shepherd, & King

This carol imagines three separate characters, all anticipating the birth of the Christ child - a little shepherd boy, one of the Three Wise Men, and a contemporary troubled soul. Though each seemingly seeks a different person - a shepherd, a king, and a savior - they each discover the Newborn Christ Child embodies all three.

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